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Lowongan Kerja Bitung April 2013 Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja Bitung April 2013 Terbaru - Informasi lowongan kerja Kota Bitung bulan April 2013 untuk D3/S1 sebagai posisi Supervisor Center, Finance and Accounting, Research and Development. Berikut Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Bitung April 2013 Selengkapnya..

Lowongan Kerja Bitung April 2013 Terbaru

 PT Matahari Graha Fantasi


In responding to our expansion, an International Service Retail Company invites outstanding candidates for the position of:

Supervisor Center (TZ-SPV-Bitung)
Bitung (Sulawesi Utara)

  1. Bertanggung jawab atas kelancaran operasional Center disetiap schedule shift-nya sesuai standar perusahaan (termasuk jam buka dan tutup center).
  2. Merencanakan, mengeksekusi dan control aktivitas promosi lokal untuk meningkatkan sales
  3. Penempatan di Bitung (Sulawesi Utara)
  1. Min. D3 (semua jurusan, lebih diutamakan S-1 pariwisata, manajemen dan bisnis retail)
  2. Memiliki pengalaman min. 2 tahun sebagai supervisor atau kepala toko (centre)
  3. Terbuka untuk Fresh Graduate
  4. Memiliki kemampuan leadership dan salesmanship yang tinggi
  5. Mampu bekerja dengan target
  6. Memiliki komunikasi yang baik
  7. Mampu bekerja dalam tim dan memiliki integritas
  8. Berpenampilan menarik, ramah dan senang bertemu dan membantu orang lain
  9. Kreatif dan Inovatif
  10. Bersedia ditempatkan di luar kota
  11. Bersedia untuk bekerja shift dan masuk di hari Sabtu/ Minggu dan hari libur nasional
Kirim lamaran Anda (paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini), beserta foto kopi identitas diri yang masih berlaku (KTP/SIM) dan pasfoto terbaru ukuran 4x6 cm ke:

Center TimezoneCitymart Bitung

atau via email ke:


Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipanggil
Harap mencantumkan kode lowongan untuk posisi yang diinginkan

Closing Date:18-4-13


PT Meratus Line

PT MERATUS LINE & GROUP is one of the leading regional shipping company, and owned 50 vessels to operate - and many to come. Our mission is to develop the business through South East Asia and Oceania. We offer high quality service and point to point transportation solution with over 25 offices in Surabaya, Jakarta, Medan, Makassar, Palu, Kendari, Toli-Toli, Bitung, Bali, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Sampit, Kumai, Tarakan, Kupang, Padang, Ambon, Maumere, Benete (NTB), Bintuni (Irian), Sibolga, Nias, Bengkulu, Gorontalo, Singapore, etc. and planning to open more.

Through deploying IT system and empowering a highly qualified and motivated workforce, we believe that people development is best accomplish through continuous challenges in both theoretical and practical application. Our aim is to ensure that each position will fulfill by the right candidates to strengthen our team in the future and to achieve our vision. Now, we are currently seeking good candidates to fulfill the key position in our business.

Finance & Accounting Staff (Manado-Bitung)
Bitung (Sulawesi Utara), Manado (Sulawesi Utara)

  1. Min Bachelor degree from Accounting/Finance major
  2. Min GPA 3.00 (scale 4)
  3. Ages 22-28 years old
  4. Preferably having organization and related work experience min 1-2 years old, but fresh graduates re welcome to apply
  5. Fluent in English (oral & writing)
  6. Good knowledge in Finance/Accounting
  7. Having good personality, achievement orientation, initiative, high integrity, and resistance to stress is preferably
Only the short listed candidates will be invited to join the selection test

Send your application letter, curriculum vitae, recent photograph, and your salary request


Closing Date:18-04-13


PT Lautan Luas Tbk

PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, established in 1951, is a distributor and manufacturer of basic and specialty chemicals. In addition to its Jakarta head office, the Company has five branches and sevenrepresentative offices in Indonesia as well as a main regional subsidiary in Singapore, and offices in China, Thailand and Vietnam to oversee Distribution activities. In Manufacturing, Lautan Luas established seventeenproduction facilities in Indonesia, two in China and onemanufacturing facility in Vietnam. Lautan Luas has also set up a Support & Services business segment made of four subsidiaries that were previously the Company's internal departments - laboratory, supply chain, IT and water treatment - to provide value-add services to customers.
In PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, strong emphasis is placed on the cultivation of a learning culture, where employees take great pride and joy in being a part of a talent-focused organization. Our employees are provided internal and external training for both professional and personal development to ensure a highly crafted and learned talent base.

Therefore, PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk challenges you to join us for the following opportunity:

Research And Development
Tangerang (Banten) - Bitung


Do investigation, laboratory and pilot trials on chemical treatments in water and wastewater treatment applications

  1. S1 Degree in Chemistry
  2. Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
  3. Good knowledge of materials chemical in laboratory
  4. Fluent in both oral and written English
  5. To be located in Bitung-Tangerang (Banten)
If you are confident that you can meet our requirements, please fill in the online application at:
For further information about PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, please visit our website at:

Closing Date:13-4-13

Sekian Informasi "LOWONGAN KERJA BITUNG" yang dapat kami sampaikan, semoga dapat membantu Anda dalam mencari pekerjaan di Kota Bitung dan sekitarnya untuk bulan April 2013. Baca juga informasi Lowongan Pekerjaan Palu dan Lowongan Pekerjaan Flores April 2013..
Anda baru saja membaca artikel yang berkategori Lowongan Kerja dengan judul Lowongan Kerja Bitung April 2013 Terbaru. Anda bisa bookmark halaman ini dengan URL https://digoogledi.blogspot.com/2013/04/lowongan-kerja-bitung-april-2013-terbaru.html. Terima kasih!
Ditulis oleh: LOWONGAN KERJA - Tuesday, April 2, 2013

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